Thursday, July 18, 2013

The Shake-Day Two

We've all had that great smoothie. The one where everything is blended perfectly you taste all the flavors and you are almost sad when its gone. I'm going to be honest. That was not the case, of course it didn't make me want to hurl. but, it wasn't the best ever either. However, I am NEW to this so given some time I'm sure I will become a smoothie, NINJA.

Day one was hard because when you are not used to putting anything on your stomach, having to drink these shakes and eat snacks in between is altering your regiment. My stomach has to get used to this. I did make some adjustments today, instead of waiting until dinner I had my largest meal at lunch. I was STARVING yesterday  by the time I actually ate  a meal and probably made my salad larger than I should have. Now I just have to incorporate more exercise into my day. I happened to take a tumble down the stairs just before I began the challenge so I have to be a little creative.  I love to dance and I think the  JUST DANCE program will work just fine once my knee heals. Just Dance 4. Because they are on some other plane in Just Dance Hip Hop. I will wined up breaking something messing with those moves.

 Getting used to fruit again is a challenge, it just doesn't seem SWEET enough. I know that is be from years of eating processed foods with additional sweetness added. It'll come.  I'm off  to create another smoothie this time with bluberries...
It's my intent to post everyday. I'll see how that goes.

Be Blessed!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

The Journey- Day One

For most of my adult life I have been on a diet. Trying to lose weight for one thing or another. I wanted to look good in my jeans, I wanted to be the perfect size whatever, because that's what society said I should be. I wanted to show an old boyfriend  just what he was missing. Never for health reasons. Never for self. Most of my pics are like this one. Shoulders up. I can't give the masses too much, I don't think they could handle it...Seriously this round-faced, brown girl has fluctuated in weight so many times and has so many different sizes in her closet that I could have my own shop. Well that is all about to change.....

Most people think fat (Yeah, I said it!!! Because I can)  people are just hanging out around the refrigerator, pigging out. We are hitting the buffets, eating most of it and  then going to sleep on our full, round stomachs.  Eating just because, eating for comfort and developing serious relationships with our food. I will grant you that some people are doing just that. However, that is not the case with me. I eat too little. I know I do. I only eat when I am hungry . You would think, that in itself would keep me thin.Unfortunately, when you do this, the fat that is on your body holds on tight. I also love sweets, two in particular... COOKIES AND ICE CREAM. I blame this guy to left.  Sesame Streets- Cookie Monster, in my young mind anyone who would go this bonkers over a cookie had to be onto something. and Mr. Softee, Eddie didn't  lie and the song did cause me at times to lose my mind ( See below).So, as  a child I developed these bad habits,  this sweet tooth. Not taking anything away from my parents. Lord knows I was forced to eat my veggies. Beets, were/are still the worst  and I refuse to eat them to this day. My parents had  a sweet tooth  as well, but they were slim. I don't know where in the heck my metabolism comes from. Anyway, I developed a sugar crush, long before the game . I would rather eat these, than cook a meal.  These are usually my dinner choices. Now take these issues and  couple it  with the fact that  ( Not to make light of anorexia),  but I truly believe  that I have the exact reverse. In other words I eat any and every thing I want and no matter how big I get. I still think, I look good. I guess that I can blame that on very high self esteem. But there comes a time in everyones'  life when  the truth hits you.When you realize that you are truly living in denial and you have to make some changes. You have got to get your life together. For me it was noticing labored breath from just walking to the car from my front door. Feeling like I'm about to pass out when climbing stairs. Only being able to dance on one song, and watching my jean, bra,dress, pant, and undies size get higher and higher. I have got to do this, because no matter how fine I think I am, I'm getting older. My body is getting older and basically, in a nutshell ...I want to be around so it can get even older. So , I am starting a new chapter in my life, making  a lifestyle change. Instead of grabbing a bowl of ice cream, I'm grabbing yogurt. Instead of not eating all day and then choosing unhealthy fast food to fill me up. I am cooking. I started this new regiment with BodybyVi., I believe this is my answer. This blog is my personal journey with weight loss.  My intention is to be at my goal weight(nonyabizness) in 6 months, and I will begin with a ninety day challenge. I have all the tools I need to get there. I just need the determination, the willpower and for every carton of butter pecan to disappear from the universe. Remember this guy? Damn you, tasty treats!!!!

I hope in documenting my progress that it will inspire, not only myself but others. I can always look back and say, remember when? I know the road ahead will be a long one and there will be times when I am on a sugar restricted rant. Please bear with me....Let's Go!!!